Friday, June 12, 2009

Mosquitoes v/s Humans

The fight between mosquitoes and humans has a long history. It started from the day one they met face to face. Till date humans tried various kinds of warfare. Physical, biological, chemical, and very recently electronics. And even torture too. It is reported sterile mosquitoes were developed in the labs and let out to control their population. In spite of all these desperate attempts to eradicate the mosquitoes, we are still in their firing range. Be alert. Any time you can hear the sound of music of their surveillance flights. But don’t worry we have another weapon – AK 47.

We all know lot of fatal diseases is transmitted through mosquitoes. In addition to untold human miseries and sufferings to millions, the world is losing billions of Dollars every year for health care to prevent and to cure such contagious diseases.

As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. For this, first we have to destroy the mosquitoes. But how? Until now we never had any success stories to boast of in our historical war with the mosquitoes. This is mainly because the structure of their life cycle is so natural it perfectly makes them fit for survival. They don’t require big dams or lakes or reservoirs to breed. A sustainable drop of water on a leaf or on any other surface for two days is enough for their successful breeding into full fledged mosquitoes. We all know for the survival of any form of life, food, water and fresh air (except in some lower forms) are essential. So even an idea to destroy all the plant life in your compound or fixing tiles there, is suicidal and therefore out of question.

Remember, the mosquitoes have more experience and knowhow on the earth than the human beings because they appeared on the earth millions of years before the human beings did. No wonder they are surviving all our fatal assaults.

Therefore , if you have a notion that one day the UN or some other government agency will wipe out the entire mosquitoes from the face of the earth , sorry , that day will never come. One thing is damn sure. The mosquitoes are likely to be here on the earth even if the homo sapiens are wiped off. Therefore, let us recheck our war strategies.

While we are outside our houses, since we keep on moving, the mosquitoes cannot bite us. But inside the house you are an open target for attack because you are resting and hence comparatively motionless.

Let us continue our war more vigorously but at the same time buy a simple mosquito net large enough to cover our entire house so that no mosquitoes will enter the house. Go for the net today itself. Don’t wait for anybody. Secondly, keep a pot with some water outside your house and pour the water out every day. It is a breeding site for the mosquitoes and by removing the water you are destroying the larvae every day. (Idea introduced by a reader in a local Daily)

If you protect your family and yourself you will be safe from all the mosquito transmitted diseases. And you will save a lot of money for you as well as for the mankind.

Don’t order the AK 47 at least now!


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