All the searches and researches for a solution to the air pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming etc leads us ultimately to the importance of a sustainable environmental system (SES). The existence of SES, together with reduction of GHG emissions to the required level, is essential for the survival of life on the earth for both plants and animals.
Primarily, we know SES offsets the CO2 and releases O2 into the atmosphere. Therefore, the absence of SES in any place will mean,1) The carbon dioxide generated by the life activities and the modern style life of the people and the industrial emissions, if any ,in such areas are not at all getting offset because of the absence of or less green vegetation in the said areas. On the other hand such CO2 is added to the global stock increasing the green house effect, global warming, climate change etc. 2) Fresh O2 released will also be less ,rendering the atmospheric air unhealthy.3) The available vegetation itself will slowly disappear from many parts of the world ever increasing the threat to life. Receding vegetation is a forerunner or a sort of warning of what is in store for other forms of life too, including the humans.
Therefore, now it is well conceived by the authorities throughout the world that the whole world is in dire need of implementing or improving or enhancing the process of greening or environmental protection. But then why the world is not taking any effective action to protect the environment?
Two main reasons. One is water shortage and the second, inadequate rules and regulations for entrusting the responsibility of establishing and maintaining the SES.
What we need is a perfect sustainable environmental system .For that there should be biodiversity –which requires or demands wild growth and coexistence of various micro and macro animals and plants wherever possible. And most important, the proper functioning of the Natural Systems.
The primary ingredient required to support biodiversity is the water. But even for human consumption the drinking water is already short or is going to be short or not available in the coming years. Then how the human beings will spare water for establishing biodiversity?
But the most interesting thing is that the presence of biodiversity and the availability of water are interrelated. In other words if there is biodiversity, water definitely will be there or vice versa. This is not a mathematical equation. It is a biological equation or it can be described as a natural formula. It is observed water in the wells in areas where the trees and other vegetation are abundant, sustains for a slightly longer period because the presence of vegetation retains moisture content in the soil (due to condensation) which slowly drips into the earth and ultimately reaches the underground aquifers. This is what we, the world have ignored until recently. (This has to be considered while transforming deserts)
In order to understand the necessity for biodiversity and the natural systems, it is essential to have at least a general idea of THE LIFE and THE NATURE.
The most important aspect of life is that all the living beings are interdependent. The relationship between the whole Animal Kingdom is usually represented as a pyramid. As the shape of the pyramid indicates, higher forms of life represented towards the top part of the pyramid are always supported by the lower forms. Also there are many species of animals that depends only on plants for their food. In this intermingled food chain, the death or extinction of any species of animals or plants is going to affect the existence of many others and ultimately will destroy the natural balance. The structure of life is such that independent existence is impossible, especially for animals. The point to be understood well is the earth is not meant for the human beings alone. I.e. we cannot clear the area of all 'unwanted' plants and animals and live happily ever after.
The nature is the mother of all living forms on the earth. It is through her lap that the life on the earth flows uninterruptedly. She protects "us", the millions of living forms on the earth and provides all the basic requirements of life. Like our own mothers, in order to protect us, she also takes care of her own life by maintaining the natural balance.
The nature maintains the natural balance through various natural systems that functions in the same way as that of the biological systems in the human body.
For e.g. we all know there is a respiratory system to keep the atmospheric air fresh and healthy. There is a circulatory system to distribute the life blood of nature, the water, to the various parts of the earth. A system to regulate the climate. And a miraculous system to control the population under each type of living being! The modus operandi of which is known to Her only
Or we can say, is beyond our comprehension, may be at least for the time being.
The nature enacts or enforces these systems through the LIVES of plants and animals themselves. i.e. life and nature are two inseparable parts of the same phenomenon held together through the natural systems. In other words, failure of the natural systems will lead to the destruction of the natural balance and ultimately the death of nature as well as life.
How far are the forests important in the story of life? Well .The answer is very simple. No forests -> No terrestrial life.
The forests can be described as the womb of nature where numerous new forms of terrestrial life originated through the wonderful process of evolution. They are also the cradle of life where wild growth of all sorts of plants and animals are seen.
The forests perform very complex and vital functions in the smooth and uninterrupted flow of life on the planet. And therefore the forests constitute the most important player as regards the flow of life on the earth.
The forests hold tons and tons of rich soil formed through the degeneration of nitrogenous materials. Such soil, several meters deep in virgin forests, also holds enormous volumes of water.
In the forests the thick foliage is like an umbrella and effectively prevents the sun's rays from coming to the forest floor. There for whatever is the temperature outside, inside the forest it is comfortably cool.
" Rich soil, ample water,fresh air and the cool comfort under the thick foliage of the wilderness, oh ! Wilderness, here is the paradise for life."
System to regulate the climate.
Forests play a major part in ensuring consistant rainfall. The brushing of the high trees in the high mountain forests with the rain clouds stimulates the rain. And every body knows the temperature is always low in areas where there are more trees compared to open areas where sun's rays hit directly.
Forests constitute the respiratory system of nature that keeps the atmospheric air fresh and healthy by maintaining a consistant supply and removal of O2 and CO2 respectively.
In the nature’s circulatory system for the distribution of water, the mountain forests perform the very vital function of the heart in the human body. Removing the trees from the mountains will be like cutting away the muscles of the heart because once the trees are removed the mountains can no longer hold water on its floor. The huge volumes of water stored on the forests' ground will immediately run down.
As a result , the rivers arising from such mountains will , very soon dry up. The related land areas will thereby be devoid of the primary ingredient of terrestrial life and therefore all the living things in such land areas will soon die out.
Hence , to put in the other way, the absence of forests will lead to -
1. Reduced rain
2. Floods when and if it rains
3. Draught
4. High temperature.
5. Disappearance of vegetation etc
Therefore, what is to be done to preserve the bio-diversity in nature?
Yes . This is the only way to achieve a perfect sustainable environmental system. Irrespective of the causes or instead of pondering too much over the causes that lead to the formation , the story of many of the present day deserts can be rewritten by recreating the forests on the mountains or places at higher altitudes.
The mountains are not hindrances or stumbling blocks standing on the way of human progress. All the mountains should be there as they are because they are the mitochondria of nature, designed by the Almighty that triggers or ensure the perpetual supply of the required potential energy to keep the natural systems alive or in motion.
One prominent scientist has rightly remarked “humans are the cancer of the earth ". From the very moment the humans decided to become “modern " the foolish actions of the wise guys began to slowly convert the earth into a hell which was really a paradise for millions of years for millions of life forms. Since his arrival on the earth the man is engaged himself in a sort of undeclared war with the Nature. In this strange war, he is quite ignorant or has underestimated the magnitude or sharpness or the killing powers of the armaments hidden in the Nature's arsenal. And if he continues to provoke the Nature, the consequences will be disastrous and devastating..
Those with watchful eyes can hear the frightening "tick" "tick" of the dooms day clock. It is gaining alarming speed. The arrival of the dooms day need not be through nuclear explosions. The chances are more, it could be through pollution, thirst and hunger and epidemics.
The life which we see today, we all know, cannot survive on 'hydrothermal vents’. The anaerobic bacteria- has it evolved during the past few billion years? Who knows? If at all it evolves, how many billions of years it may take to attain the highly complicated structure of any present day organism.
Therefore, under the circumstances we are left with only two options- continue the foolish, negative, suicidal approach and wait for the last breath or wake up and act NOW to stop the environmental deterioration, land degradation...
To sum up, for greening the deserts and to prevent the disappearance of vegetation, we have to establish a perfect sustainable environmental system which will ensure the basic requirements of life - water, air, rich soil and the climatic conditions. For this there should be forests on the mountains, the valleys and forest strips where ever possible including the cities.
So as the first step towards the restoration of the perfect natural environment which existed years ago, let us RECREATE THE FORESTS. Let us go back to the forests. Let there be vivid, wild growth of plants and animals in all possible places. If not, time will prove the Homo Sapiens, in spite of being one of the most brilliant products of earthly evolution - civilized, cultured, achieved miraculous scientific strides, visited other planet, ruled and terrorized the world during its short tenure - met with the same fate as that of the mighty dinosaurs because the human beings failed to understand their very own loving and caring mother, The Nature or failed to act when and if they did.
We have just entered the new millennium.. At this moment let us all take an oath that we will try our best to protect the natural habitats and that we will never be a party to any scheme or plan that ultimately kills or destroys the flora and fauna of nature. Henceforth our basic policy shall be of co-existence with other animals and plants.
Look at the innumerable bald mountains standing high in the sky like remnants or sad reminders of a glorious past. Are they not eagerly looking at us requesting to rejuvenate them? Do they know the human beings are the only creation who is capable of accomplishing this faster?